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Magic world of colours, acrobatic tricks and poetic

Verantwortlicher Autor: Nadejda Komendantova Vienna, 15.09.2022, 08:46 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Kunst, Kultur und Musik +++ Bericht 6220x gelesen

Vienna [ENA] The Vienna publicum is celebrating the return of the famous circus Roncalli those performances were affected by the two years of pandemic regulations. In these challenging times, as mentioned by the creator of the show Bernhard Paul, all artists were training, and they managed to provide shelter to all artists of the circus while using these two years for creation of a stunning performance.

Now the circus is shining in new glamour of fantastic costumes, interesting performances, and the happiness of being back with public. The Circus Roncalli is a real firework of colors, stunning performances, complex acrobatic tricks and poetically performed shows with fantasy full decorations. The 120 artists are bringing spectators into fantastic world of magic, acrobatic tricks, poetic scenes and unbelievable costumes, which were inspired by artists from Mondrian bis Warhol and can be considered as real pieces of art. The performance is multimedia and includes elements of theater, movies, painting and music.

Especially impressive were Hermanos Acero, who received the standing ovations from the publicum. Two brothers Charly and Wuilder are coming from Colombia from a circus family with both their parents being circus artists. Starting training already from early childhood they are now invited guests worldwide with several successful tournees in Japan, France, Switzerland, and Spain. The Duo Minasov are bringing spectators into the world of magic. Just within a second, the couple changes clothes as if by magic, leaving the astonished audience shaking their heads in perplexity.

Paolo Casanova, known as Carillon comes from Turin. He is passionate about Fellini movies and such comic figures as Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton. Influence of this passion can be observed in his very colorful and romantic performances which have something from a dream of a child, with soap bubbles and the world of magic. The performance of Vanessa and Sven is not only very elegant while involving acrobatic tricks on a white piano, candles, elegant costumes, it is also deeply psychological and shows the nuances of relationship between man and woman. And this is accompanied by the life piano music.

Duo Luna is a successful duet of a celebrated aerialist and a professional ballerina. American Marina Luna and Canadian Marika Gould created a performance full of stunning acrobatic tricks and dancing astatic. Unbelievable flexibility of the body of Maria Sarach allows her as to nobody else providing of fascinating interpretations of works of the painter Piet Mondrian. The performance can be enjoyed in Vienna starting from the 14th of September and until the 9th of October. Afterwards the tournee goes to Frankfurt am Main, Bremen and Osnabrück.

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